Here are a few examples of relevant work conducted in the past.
UX Research & Strategy

Conducted ethnographic field studies and persona development to understand and explain how banks and legal firms utilized lien search tools and what was missing. This work drove the strategic roadmap for CT Lien Solutions, a subsidiary of Wolters Kluwer (4Q2010).
Design Strategy & Direction

Oversaw the original design (2001) and the 2018 re-design of the non-profit Kula Nai’a Foundation’s website and online strategy.
UX Curriculum Development

Developed and taught several full-day courses for the Nielsen Norman Group in: User Experience Strategy, User Research Methods, Ethnographic Field Studies, The Psychology and UX of Online Advertising, and Analyzing User Interfaces.
“When you improve your product so it does the customer’s job better, then you gain market share.” -Clayton Christensen

“Business is a team sport.” -Greg Brenneman
Presentations and Seminars
Managing User Experience Strategy, (Mar, Apr, Jun, Jul, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec) • Full day seminar at NN Group’s “Usability Week 2018” (various locations world wide)
Analyzing User Interfaces: UX Insights without Users, (Apr, Jun, Jul, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec) • Full day seminar at NN Group’s “Usability Week 2018” (various locations world wide)
User Research Methods: From Strategy to Requirements to Design, (Mar, Apr, Jun, Jul, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec) • Full day seminar at NN Group’s “Usability Week 2018” (various locations world wide)
Research Operations at Scale, (Nov 2017) • Invited presentation at the 2017 Design Ops Summit, Rosenfeld Media (New York City, NY)
Research Beyond User Testing, (June/Dec 2010) • Full day seminar at NN Group’s “Usability Week 2010” (San Francisco, June 2010 and Las Vegas, December 2010)
Managing User Experience Strategy, (June/Dec 2010) • Full day seminar at NN Group’s “Usability Week 2010” (San Francisco, June 2010 and Las Vegas, December 2010)
User Research Beyond Usability • Webinar presented on January 29, 2009. Rosenfeld Media:
User Experience Research Methods in 3D: What to Use When and How to Know You’re Right • Keynote presentation at BayCHI – The San Francisco chapter of ACM SIGCHI, January 13, 2009, Palo Alto, CA.
Real World Insights: Ethnographic Field Research, (Nov/Dec 2007) • Full day seminar at NN Group’s “User Experience 2007” (Barcelona, November 2007 and Las Vegas, December 2007)
Managing User Experience Strategy, (Nov/Dec 2007), co-presented with Nancy Dickenson and Jennifer Anderson • Full day seminar at NN Group’s “User Experience 2007” (Barcelona, November 2007 and Las Vegas, December 2007)
Customer Researchers as Health Professionals: How eBay Uses Research to Improve Product Health, (Sep 2007) • Presentation co-authored with Rian Van der Merwe, Ph.D. at American Marketing Association annual conference, Las Vegas, NV.
eBay: Transactions On A Massive Scale • Invited presentation at the User Interface Engineering’s Web Application Summit (Monterey, CA, January 2007)
User Experience Strategy, (Oct/Nov 2006), co-presented with Nancy Dickenson and Jennifer Anderson • Full day seminar at NN Group’s “User Experience 2006” (Seattle, October 2006 and London, November, 2006)
Driving the Findings Home: Maximizing Impact Through Research Triangulation, (Sep 2006) • Presentation co-authored with Rian Van der Merwe, Ph.D. at American Marketing Association annual conference, Chicago, IL.
User Research and Market Research Working Together (Nov 2005) • Co-authored presentation with Diana Easley at The Market Research Event, San Francisco, CA.
Designing a User Experience Organization, (Oct/Nov 2005), co-presented with Nancy Dickenson and Justin Miller • Full day seminar at NN Group’s “User Experience 2005” (Boston, October 2005 and London, November, 2005)
User Experience Research: Issues of the Day, (Oct 2005) • Panel member at San Francisco Bay Area chapter of Computer-Human Interaction (BayCHI) presentation.
Ads That Work on the Web, (Oct/Nov 2004), co-presented with John Boyd, Ph.D. • Full day seminar at NN Group’s “User Experience 2004” (Las Vegas, October 2004 and Amsterdam, November, 2004)
Usability and User Experience Research, (October, 2004) • Invited Presentation to East Bay IT Group (EBIG), Emeryville, CA
Research in Corporate Settings, (May, 2004) • Presentation to Communications Department, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Practical Usability Rating by Experts (PURE): A Pragmatic Approach for Scoring Product Usability (May 2016) • Paper co-authored for 2016 CHI Conference, San Jose, CA.
Opinions or Algorithms: An Investigation of Trust in People Versus Automation in App Store Security (August, 2015) • Paper co-authored for the Third International Conference on Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy, and Trust.
When to Use Which User Experience Research Methods (October 2008 and October 2014) • Guest article written for Jakob Nielsen’s Alertbox column on October 6, 2008 on Revised and expanded on October 12, 2014.
Design, Marketing, Strategy? Where does User Research belong? (April 2008) • 1st author and organizer of interactive panel at ACM’s Computer-Human Interaction Conference (Florence, Italy, April 2008)
Linguistic Analysis of Websites: A New Method of Analysing Language, the Poor Cousin of Usability (July 2007) • Paper co-authored for the Human-Computer Interaction International Conference, Beijing, China
How Does Usability Research Improve 21st Century Product Design?, (Oct 2006) • Panel member at Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 50th annual conference
Chicken? Egg? Integrating Research and Design in the Real World, (Winter, 2006) • Article published in Ambidextrous, magazine for Stanford University’s design school
How Many Users Are Really Enough? – What to Report: Deciding Whether an Issue is Valid (Fall 2005) • Co-authored article with Michael A. Katz, Ph.D., in User Experience, Vol. 4, Issue 4. 2005
The Rise of Intrusive Online Advertising and the Response of User Experience Research at Yahoo!, (April, 2004), co-authored with John Boyd, Ph.D. • ACM Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (CHI) 2004 Conference, Technical Program, Vienna, Austria
Joint Exploratory Learning: A Case Study On How People Learn To Use Interactive Technology Together (May, 2000) • PhD Dissertation successfully defended at Stanford University. Committee: Professors Ed Haertel, Decker Walker, Terry Winograd and David Kelley.
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